The Heart and Soul Behind Lazy A Danes
My name is Tori Anderson, stay at home dog mom and back door opener to a house of Danes! Danes have always been my favorite breed of dog for as far back as I can remember. My first dog as an adult was a rescue Dane mix from a local Shelter named Toby. Toby and I had many years together and he was a great family pet. My amazing and always supportive husband Paul and I decided when our 5 kiddos were older to add another Dane to the family, we decided on a Blue and began our search. Coming from a childhood with grandparents that bred and showed dogs ( German Sheppard's) I knew that for a purebred, well bred and quality was very important, as I spent many weekends bored next to the show how I wish I had paid attention more now!
Now I can really "Nerd out" as I call it and that is what I did when I stumbled on the color genetics of these beautiful dogs. During our search for our own Blue Great Dane we came to realize that with so many different colors and breeding styles there was a lost art if you would call it of breeding to "color standard" you can still find those breeders, it is just harder and not a focus in every program. Which led us down the path of exploring the idea of breeding. We did not choose this lightly, breeding is not for the faint of heart. It is hard work, dedication, so very messy! and can be down right heart breaking at times, but that is out-weighed by the love and joy these magnificent creatures give and the chance to say that you created this pure perfection in a puppy! Along this journey I have met wonderful breeders that have formed great friendships and have mentored me and taken a chance on me. I am forever grateful and deeply humbled that they chose to give me a chance and believed in me enough to give me the gift of not only purchasing their puppies, but their bloodlines and allowing me to create mine from theirs. |
The How of Lazy A Danes
Our name is sort of a family spin off, my husband's family has a small hobby ranch in Northern California called Lazy A Ranch, A for their last name: Anderson. Now we all know there is nothing lazy as far as a ranch goes, so while trying to come up with a kennel name we decided that while a ranch is not lazy, a Great Dane is most certainly lazy and most fitting! So Lazy A Danes was more than fitting for our Kennel name and would be an easy abbreviation for future productions registered names! LADS! |